Serve with us at FPC!
See our full list of opportunities below or use the button to download. If you have an idea about a ministry or service that we currently do not offer, but you would like to see at FPC, please contact the church at (210-226-0215).
Current Ways to Serve at FPC (PDF)
Serve Through Prayer
Dates: Every Tuesday
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Room 228
Contact: Becca Price
Come join Prayer Ministry in praying for our church, its missions, ministries, leadership, staff and community. We meet every Tuesday, beginning September 10, 2024, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM in room 228. Contact Becca Price for more information.
Sign up to pray with the ministers ten minutes before each Traditional Service (9:20 AM and 10:50 AM) in the Robing Room (227). A short prayer with the Pastors starts when all are present or the pastor gives the go-ahead.
Serve with FPC's prayer ministry. Both individual and small group opportunities are available. Training is available for those interested in joining a prayer team. For more information, contact Kim Smith, Prayer Ministry Chair.
Usher and Greeter Training
Date: 9/29/24
Time: 12:15 PM- 2:00 PM
Location: Covenant Hall
FPC Ushers and Greeters (or Covenant Partners who wish to be), join us for our Fall Training which will include information on our latest information about serving as a Sunday Morning usher or greeter at FPC and critical updates to our Emergency Preparedness procedures. A light lunch will be provided. Sign up here. Childcare is available through RSVP to reserve a spot.
Serve as an Usher for Sunday Morning Traditional Worship
We are in need of Usher Team Members and Team Captain for the 9:30 AM Traditional Services for the quarter. You do not have to be present each month in order to serve during this time. We hope to build a team with at least 12 people for these months so that we are covered during vacations or illnesses. This is a great role for those who have recently joined the church or who would like to get to know other FPC family members better while serving the church during worship.
Training will be provided for this easy, yet critical role. Please contact Adam Sharpe, Usher Captain, for more information or to sign up!
Serve as an Usher for Sunday Morning Modern Worship
Our seats are filling up each Sunday, especially now that we have added a second Modern Service, and we need a few more people to serve as Ushers. Our Ushers provide important support to our worship services by welcoming attendees, helping with seating, handing out announcements, and assisting with the offering.
Please contact Jessica Fritz to help!
Serve as an Usher for Memorial Services at FPC
Volunteer to serve as a Funeral Usher with FPC and provide comfort and support to our covenant partners during memorial and funeral services. As an usher, you will assist the FPC Memorial/Funeral Staff, guide attendees to the service and reception locations, hand out bulletins, greet guests, and help the grieving families with any needs. Wear your official FPC name tag and dress in appropriate funeral attire. For more information, please contact Lisa Snow at 210-271-2760 or Pastor Scott Simpson.
Usher and Greeter Training
Date: 9/29/24
Time: 12:15 PM- 2:00 PM
Location: Covenant Hall
FPC Ushers and Greeters (or Covenant Partners who wish to be), join us for our Fall Training which will include information on our latest information about serving as a Sunday Morning usher or greeter at FPC and critical updates to our Emergency Preparedness procedures. A light lunch will be provided. Sign up here. Childcare is available through RSVP to reserve a spot.
Greet the FPC Family - Once per month
Become a Sunday Greeter at FPC and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere by taking your assigned place at entrances twenty minutes before a service or class to greet and welcome all who enter.
Contact Wendy Garcia to learn how to join a team on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th weeks of the month!
Greet the FPC Family - 5th Sundays
We are in need of a 5th Sunday Greeting Team Captain and team members ready to welcome our guests and FPC family on the rare 5th Sunday of the month. 2024 5th Sundays are March 31, June 30, & September 29.
If you can help coordinate or potentially serve on one or more of the days below, please contact Nancy Turnbull.
Become a Library volunteer at FPC and help restock, organize, and check-out books to serve our covenant partners and the community.
Contact Nancy Johnson for more information.
Volunteer as a Receptionist at FPC by serving for a one-hour shift once a month or as a substitute, answering phones, providing car decals, ordering essentials, and offering a friendly face to all.
Contact Laurie McMillen for more information and training opportunities.
Join us in preparing the elements for communion on Sunday mornings to help facilitate this sacred and meaningful part of our worship service.
Contact Wendy Garcia for more information.
Help is needed for all of the memorial reception teams that set up, serve, and clean up after the receptions held after most of the memorial services at our church. Families of the deceased are very appreciative of the beautiful receptions our teams provide for family and friends. Any men or women who would like to help are welcome. Your help is appreciated.
Contact Pat Brodeen or 210-383-3083 for more information and to sign up for a reception team.
Hobbies & Skills
Sing with the Sanctuary Choir
Have you ever sung in a community chorus, high school, college, or church choir? Did you learn to read music as an instrumentalist, vocalist, or pianist? Would you like to lead worship through the art of choral singing? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’ or even ‘maybe,’ we would like to tell you more about the work of our Sanctuary Choir.
Meets: Wednesdays | 7:00-8:45 PM | Choir Room 318
Contact: Tom Dooling, Minister of Music: 210-226-0215, ext 217
The Sanctuary Choir sings in the traditional worship services each Sunday. They prepare music for major liturgical observances and present periodic concerts as musical offerings to the larger community. It consists of singers at varying levels of musical ability, each of whom enjoys singing and leading in musical worship. Professional section leaders and soloists enhance the quality of the Sanctuary Choir. The Choir is always open to new members including adults, college students, and advanced high school students. No auditions necessary, although the ability to read music and prior experience in choral singing is helpful.
Sing with the Modern Worship Band
This is a team of rotating volunteers lead by worship leader Callan Brown. They provide passionate musical leadership for the Modern Worship services at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM in Westminster Hall. The team is made up of singers and instrumentalists who, first and foremost, love Jesus. Rooted in a relationship with Jesus, they excel in their musicianship and work hard to lead our congregation by example.
Rehearsals are at 7:00 PM on Wednesday evenings. Contact Callan Brown at 210-266-0215, ext 275 for more information about volunteering in the Modern Band.
Sing with the Friday Singers
Friday Singers are a key element in our outreach effort to retirement and rehabilitation communities in the greater San Antonio area. Comprised of people who like to sing for the joy of singing, they develop programs of “old favorites” and familiar Christmas songs. There are solos, duets, and choruses. There are instrumentals and singalongs. And they are almost always invited back the next year. This singing group seeks to bring joy through music into the lives of others and have fun while doing so. The rewards in this service for Christ are numerous, coming with smiles and hugs from residents and a community of close fellowship within the group itself. Requests for the Friday Singers to bring their musical talents throughout the City are already coming to Charlotte, and it promises to be a busy singing season. Join in the mission to make life brighter in our community.
Rehearsal Fridays: 9:00—10:30 AM., Choir Room, Room 318
Performance Fridays: 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM, as scheduled
Contact Charlotte Hains Gates at 210-828-2048
Volunteer on our Production Team
We are currently looking for contract and volunteer support for our Audio/Visual efforts on Sundays and for events. Tasks may include running our livestream graphics, our Modern Service lighting, working our soundboards or livestream cameras.
If you are interested, please contact Edwin Stephens.
Volunteer to Take Photos or Videos at Church Events
Volunteer to capture special moments and document events through photography or videography to help preserve the memories and experiences within our church community.
Contact Edwin Stephens for more information.
Baking Cookies for Sunday Morning Fellowship
Calling all Bakers! FPC loves our Family by offering home-baked cookies during our Sunday Fellowship time and we need your help to ensure we have enough each week for all to enjoy. Please consider signing up for one or more days in the coming months. Bakers deliver approximately three or four dozen homemade cookies for the Sunday(s) they sign up for.
Contact Wendy Garcia for more information.
Sign Up to Bake
Knit & Crochet with the Shawl Ministry
The Women of the Church Circle 5 Shawl Ministry meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 PM. However, even if you cannot attend the meetings, we have lots of yarn that we would love to send home with you to help make baby blankets, caps for chemo patients, and shawls.
Contact Kay Weber at 210-288-5290.
Create Meaningful Flower Arrangements with the Flower Girls
Join the Flower Girls ministry led by Susan Chandler, and help rearrange Sanctuary flowers into small arrangements for members who are ill or distressed.
Contact Susan Chandler for more information.
Join the KEYS Older Adult Ministry and make a difference by volunteering as an occasional Bus Driver. This active ministry has off-campus outings at least once each month for birthday luncheons, and seasonally travel for volunteering opportunities.
Contact Joe Moore to get involved.
Mentoring & Support
Love Jesus & Love Kids? We Need You! Please come and be part of the Children's Ministry Team! We are looking for people who sing, play an instrument, rock babies, pray, play games, cut out crafts, decorate for VBS, shepherd kids, and laugh, to name a few of the many things you could do! We will use your wonderful gifts in a delightful way to minister the Love of Jesus to everyone who crosses the threshold. Come on down! We are especially looking for help with childcare during the 9:30 AM Modern Service!
Contact Rebecca Sweet for more information.
Experience the joy of impacting young lives by volunteering as Middle School Sunday School teachers, High School Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, or weekly Bible Study small group leaders with our youth ministry.
Contact Kyle Bowden for more information!
Learn more about the First Presbyterian Church Scholarship Committee and how you can contribute to supporting educational opportunities for deserving individuals.
Contact Marianne Ryan for more information!