
Living GenErously

As disciples of Jesus Christ at First Presbyterian Church of San Antonio, we are called to give and serve in many ways, sharing the amazing news of God's faithfulness, love, and the supreme gift of His Son, Jesus Christ. We are confident that the Lord, who began a good work in us, will guide us in our mission to fulfill the purpose He has called us to pursue.

You can reach our Finance Team here:

Christi Burrell: 210-226-0215 ext 255

Hector Flores: 210-226-0215 ext 256

As always, we thank you and thank God for your generosity as together we follow God’s call for First Presbyterian and its ministries.

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GPS for the Journey

2024 Stewardship Campaign

As an act of Gathering, Preparing, and Serving in response to God’s generous gifts and by faith, please pray about how the Lord might lead you to partner with FPC as we seek His Kingdom in San Antonio and beyond!

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Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.